Of course today is a new day, and I feel it is my duty to at least look at the transcript of the speech (all 14 pages of it!). Believe you me, it was difficult to wade through that indecipherable
jumble of words in search of a cogent thought, but soldier on I did. Now, dear reader, I could go into a deep analysis of Obama's SOTU address and refute each asinine, inane assertion that the President makes, but really, who needs the grief and besides I've still got 14 more episodes of "Charles In Charge" to enjoy.
Instead, I thought I'd distill Barry's 7,007 word, 70 minute behemoth into a few salient bullet points (and by few I mean about 57). That way, dear reader, you will have time to do the more important things like extracting the lint from your navel, and it may also have the benefit of preventing that 2 pound macho burrito you just consumed from seeing the light of day again.
So, here we go in more or less the order that they were given.
- Bush made it hard for me to President (gee, I haven't heard that one before)
- People are suffering
- We need to fix the banks (and by fix he means destroy)
- I do the hard things
- We need to tax banks
Any-who, on to more of those salient points....
- I help people by extending their unemployment insurance
- I cut taxes on 95% of American families. (stop sniggering -- it's rude!)
- Government creates jobs (again with the sniggering)
- China has faster trains than us -- and we can't have that by golly
- Bush ruined the prior economic expansion (who knew?)
- People need more information to make financial decisions (like how do I hide my assests from Obama)
- We need to force the American people to innovate (electric dog polishing. I'm telling you it's the next IPOD)
- People need to be educated
- Vice-President Biden is chairing the task force on Middle-Class Families (I feel better already)
- Health Care Reform will save this country (again -- who knew?)
- I came to Washington to alleviate Americans distrust in Washington (yeah, none of that distrust is Obama's fault)
- I think terrorism is bad
I say good on her as she was probably getting more benefit from the speech than anyone else in the chamber and it's probably the most productive thing she's done since being put in charge of Homeland security.
Now onto the big finish....
- I will end the war in Iraq
- I don't like nukes
- I don't like the Supreme Court
- I am working with the Muslims to promote science. (huh?)
- I want gays in the military
- CEO's and bankers are responsible for Americans cynicism (oh really?)
- I want change
- I don't care about polls (sorry for repeating myself, but who knew?)
- Change is hard (and by hard he means there will be no discernible economic recovery for the foreseeable future)
Now back to Charles.....