Tuesday, July 7, 2009

An Open Letter to Obama Voters

Dear Obama Voter,

Here we are, six months into the Obama Administration and things are not going that good. Have you asked yourself, is this the "Change" that I voted for? Do you have more "Hope" now than when Bush was in office?  I know that some of you voted for the man because it was the "cool" thing to do.  He is half black don't ya know and wow you thought, I can be one of the enlightened who voted for the candidate who broke the ultimate color barrier. And gosh darn it he's so cute, and did I mention he's not Bush.  However, some of you truly hated Bush.  No, hate is not a strong enough word.  You detested Bush!  I get it. Bush was a heinous man in your sight, a war monger and a fool. You couldn't stand him, he made you sick and he was responsible for all that was bad in your life.  But did you have to vote for a man who holds this country in utter disdain? A man who thinks our allies need to be disparaged and our enemies need to be propped up? A man who in his disdain desires irreparable harm for our country, our way of life and its economic institutions.  Does any of that matter to you?

I was looking at Obama's campaign slogans the other day, and they are very enlightening to look at retrospectively.  I know that hind-sight is 20/20, but as we look at what he campaigned on in light of what he is now doing, does it make you worried just a little bit?  Would you, if you could, vote differently on a fantasy do-over?

In no particular order here are some of his campaign slogans:
  • "Yes We Can" - Yes we can what? Double unemployment? Dismantle the banking industry? Lose 2 trillion in peoples 401K's? Fire CEO's? You fill in the blank.
  • “Change” versus “More of the Same” - By more of the same I assume he means positive economic growth, relatively low unemployment and a capitalist economic model.
  • "Vote for Change" - Change we have in spades, unfortunately none of it is good for this country or its citizens.
  • "Change We Can Believe In" - Do we as Americans believe in socialism?  Apparently some of you Obama voters do.
  • "It's about Time. It's about Change" - What its about is Obama. Make no mistake about it.
  • "We must pledge once more to walk into the future." - I presume that we are walking into the future, because we cannot afford the gas to drive our cars.
I only mentioned a few slogans and almost all of them centered on change.  Why is that?  What in your lives need to change so radically?  All of us need at times a healthy dose of self-improvement, a change if you will in our habits and our behavior, but the key to that change is that it comes from within. Does radical external change from the Government make sense?  Does anything the Government does make sense?  Does the success of this country need to change?  Do the institutions that made this country the envy of the world need to change? Does the economic engine that has lifted so many in the world out of poverty need to change? Do freedoms that Americans enjoy need to change?  I submit to you dear Obama voter, that the answer to all of the questions is an emphatic NO. Yet, the aforementioned changes will be the ultimate result of every action taken by President Obama since he came into office. You cast your vote, you partook in this historic moment in time.  What's done is done and there is no turning back. Once again, is this the change that you hoped for?

I can't help but wonder dear Obama voter what will happen next time you are faced with a choice. In 2010, you once again will take to the polls.  I respectfully ask, will you continue to support this change, this upheaval, this chaos that is being foisted upon the American people? Or will you reconsider?  Will you wake up and understand that the change we are seeing will have far reaching consequences that will affect you, your children and their children to come. Freedom dear Obama voter is what's at stake.  Freedom to self-determine, freedom to aspire, freedom to fail. Our very lives, our essential liberty and our pursuit of happiness is hanging in the balance. Where do you stand on these principles Obama Voter? I realize that a change in your vote, your voice will take courage and conviction.  Will you be willing to take that challenge, will you be ready for that task? Will you make a different choice?

I sincerely hope so.

In the meantime, all we can do is "Hope" to survive this "Change".

Respectfully yours,

Theodore Robinson

1 comment:

  1. Whole-heartedly agree with this post. Now, post again!!
